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Baby's gas mask

Air Raid Precautions
Preparations began in 1938 for the civil defence of Britain. People had to be ready to face bombing, fires and even gas attacks.
See the gas masks that were issued and find out how to keep the “blackout”.

Ymosodiadau o’r awyr

Dechreuwyd paratoadau amddiffyn sifil Prydain ym 1938. Roedd rhaid i bobl fod yn barod i wynebu bomio, tanau a hyd yn oed ymosodiadau nwy. Edrychwch ar y mygydau nwy a dysgwch sut i gadw’r “blackout”.


Operations Room
By early 1940 the capture of the rest of Western Europe meant that an invasion of Britain by the Germans was very likely.
In towns and cities across the country RAF Operations Rooms plotted the progress of enemy bombers and directed fighter planes onto them to try and stop them reaching their targtes. However some got through.
Hear the Controller directing the brave fighter pilot onto the advancing bombers as they head for Swansea.

Yr Ystafell Gynllunio

Erbyn 1940, roedd cwymp gweddill Ewrop i’r Almaenwyr yn golygu mai goresgyn Prydain oedd y cam nesaf iddynt.
Mewn trefi a dinasoedd ledled y wlad, roedd Ystafelloedd Cynllunio y Llu Awyr Frenhinol yn olrhain taith awyrennau’r gelyn, ac yn cyfeirio awyrennau ymladd atyn nhw i’w rwystro rhag cyrraedd eu targedau. Ond llwyddodd rhai i osgoi’r ‘fighters’.
Gwrandewch ar y Rheolwr yn cyfeirio’r peilot dewr tuag at yr awyrennau bomio sydd ar eu ffordd i Abertawe.


Air Raid
Sit in the shelter and experience the sounds of an actual bombing raid with all its terrors. When the ‘all clear’ sounds, walk out into a realistic 1940s street and see the results of bomb damage.
Ymosodiad o’r awyr

Eisteddwch yn y gysgodfa a gwrandewch ar synau dychrynllyd ymosodiad o’r awyr. Ar ôl clywed y seiren, cerddwch allan i stryd realistig o’r 1940au a gweld effaith y bomio.


Displayed in Jones the Grocer’s window are some of the everyday foods and groceries that were available during the war. Rationing was in force at the time and you had to give up food coupons in order to buy the
limited amounts that could be had with your daily and
weekly allowance.

Dogni bwyd

Yn ffenest siop Jones y groser, cewch weld rhai o’r bwydydd bob dydd oedd ar gael yn ystod y rhyfel. Roedd dogni mewn grym ar y pryd, ac roedd rhaid i chi ddefnyddio dognau bwyd er mwyn prynu peth o’r eitemau prin oedd ar gael gyda’ch dogn ddyddiol ac wythnosol.

Ration books
Woman in RAF uniform

Fashion and Clothing
Williams’s the haberdashers or ladies’ clothes shop, shows the style of popular fashions of the period and what materials were available. Despite having to ‘make do and mend’ there was still some choice available and quite colourful garments!
Ffasiwn a dillad

Mae Williams y siop ddillad i fenywod yn dangos enghreifftiau o ffasiynau poblogaidd yr oes, a pha ddefnydd oedd ar gael ar y pryd. Er gwaetha ‘gwneud y gorau’, roedd peth dewis o hyd, a rhai dillad eitha’ lliwgar ar gael!


Hear the sound of singing and piano playing in the public bar, or visit the relative peace of the ‘snug’ and listen to some authentic radio shows of the time.
Y dafarn

Gwrandewch ar y canu a’r piano yn y bar cyhoeddus, neu os am dipyn o dawelwch, ewch i’r ‘parlwr’ i glywed rhai o raglenni radio y cyfnod.

Railway Halt / Station
Buses and trains were the only means of transport available to most people because of fuel rationing and not many owned their own car or had access to one at that time. Hafod (Strand ?) Halt is an example of a small lineside station.
Yr orsaf drenau
Doedd dim ceir gan y mwyafrif o bobl, ac oherwydd cwtogi ar betrol, bysiau neu drenau oedd y cludiant poblogaidd beth bynnag. Dyma enghraifft o orsaf drenau bach – Yr Hafod.

Pub entrance

Click on the images below to view them larger

Aerial view of Swansea before the war
Damage to Swansea after the war
Aerial view of Swansea before the war
Abertawe o’r awyr cyn y rhyfel
Bomb damage to central Swansea
Canol Abertawe wedi’i ddinistrio gan y bomio
Swansea department store on fire
Aerial view of Swansea
Ben Evans department store on fire
Siop Ben Evans ar dan
German view of Swansea docks from the air Llun awyr Almaeneg o ddociau Abertawe
B&W pictures courtesy of West Glamorgan Archive Service
Lluniau D&G trwy ganiatad Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg
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